Monday, November 8, 2010

Where do I find God?

Sex is not a bad thing, but God has given us boundaries because of the life that comes through intimacy. Now, that being said, it occurs to me that life comes through every kind of intimacy. Blessed are those who understand this.

A hug is a moment of intimacy that brings life.
A conversation is a moment of intimacy that brings life.
Planting a flower is a moment of intimacy.
Sharing a meal is a moment of intimacy.

It goes on, and it is a worthy experience to contemplate life in this way. All life comes through intimacy. There cannot be life, where we do not touch.

I bring this to the table because of the Gospel yesterday in which Jesus teaches us that God is the God of the living, not the dead. I saw in one commentary these words: "To God, everything is alive."
     These are profound words because they mean in every direction we turn, in every encounter, we find life. But we have to be there. There has to be vulnerability. We have to touch life and allow it to touch us.
     Now consider this: it works both ways. We can open up to life, go out to meet it, let it touch us and in the encounter we can receive intimacy. But we can also go out to life, we can touch it, and in that gift we can give intimacy. And into every one of those encounters, life comes. Not through, but into. Present. Active. Now.
     Every ringing step, every thrilling breath, every sight, sound, beat of our heart, is filled with life. We are made intimate with Creation which God made good and alive. And so, as we awaken to this truth, we are changed. We become alive too, and life is in us--the life which is God.

    I have searched for God and God is helping me to find him. But today, when I go out to get the paper, when I meet my neighbor, when I pick a stone out of the yard or admire the autumn flowers--I am having intimacy with God, and God is making life in me.
     Perhaps this is why Francis loved Mary so much.

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