Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I just noticed. Looking over last year I averaged just a little more than one post a week. I need to do better than that. It's a far cry from one post each day. So, to make it up to you, I'll tell you about my favorite prayer place.

We have a statue of Mary on top of the television cabinet in our Family Room. It's just tall enough for me to stand with my elbows on the shelf and my face in my hands. Mary stands over me and listens. If I stand there long enough, something happens in my heart. It isn't words, only longing. And the longing grows and grows until it's almost more than I can bear. But when it comes my prayer is both simple and sincere. "I want you, God. Only you."

That's about it. But there's so much inside of such a prayer. All the possibilities of God. And though I feel too small to open up and receive almost any of it, grace is real and will get the job done. The feeling slowly ebbs--not without tears--and it's handy to have a box of tissues. I don't know what this kind of praying is called, but I think it's familiar to those who sail the sea of the Spirit. They will know, and someday one of them will tell me about it.

But for today, I will remember that I can pray there whenever the house is quiet. And I can write here, whenever the house is quiet. For these are my most quiet thoughts and they shun the ordinary noise that I surround myself with. Building time and space for being quiet into my day will be a good resolution. Hopefully, if it's built inside my heart, I can carry it with me wherever I go. That would be something.

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